Thick vs. Natural Lip Fillers – Which One To Pick?

Lips add more definition and beauty to the facial features and overall appearance. Voluminous and plumpy lips are generally considered more beautiful than overly thin or thick lips. Some people have extremely thin upper lip and slightly noticeable lower lip. While others have perfectly sized lips but with the wrong proportions. All such issues make them opt for a filler treatment to get the desired results.

Considering the current trends, opting for thick lip fillers is the first choice of many, however, they are not for all. You can make your lips more attractive and noticeable even with natural lip fillers. You must get a professional consultation to find the ideal option for you. Considering a few factors can also offer you a little guidance.

Scroll down into the details of this article to explore the differences between thick and natural lip fillers and learn how you can pick the option with the best results.

Top 5 Factors to Consider For Thick vs. Natural Lip Filler

Thin and natural lips were considered the epitome of beauty three to four decades ago. Then the beauty standards changed and thicker lips were praised more. Young people especially women, often try to follow the trends but it is important to assess if a certain trend is suitable for you or not. Using a few factors to compare thick and natural lip fillers can better guide which one is suitable for you.

Here are the most prominent factors you can consider and compare thick vs. natural lip fillers and make the right decision for yourself.

1. Enhancement Type

Enhancement type is the first and foremost factor you can consider to choosing between thick and natural lip fillers. Thick lips will offer dramatic enhancements, which will make you prominent immediately. On the other hand, natural lips will offer subtle enhancement which will not be too much prominent.

Natural lips will make your lips naturally plumpy and soft. However, if you want dramatic enhancements, you can opt for thick lips. If the results are not according to expectations, you can get the fillers dissolved too. Most people consult experts offering the best lip fillers in Dubai, get personalized consultations, and follow the recommended enhancement to achieve the best results.

2. Maintenance

Maintenance is the next factor you can consider to choosing between thick or natural lip filler. Filler treatments are often long-lasting, but the results will not stay intact forever. The fillers might dissolve, shift, or settle down over time, limiting the impact.

Thick lip fillers are usually more prone to it, due to which you might require frequent touch-ups to maintain the desired effect. On the other hand, natural lip fillers blend effortlessly to slightly enhance lip appearance. Due to this, they settle well into their place and do not require frequent maintenance. So, natural lip fillers are a better option in terms of maintenance.

3. Lip Shape and Size

Lip shape and size are the next typical factors you can consider to pick the best option out of thick and natural lip fillers. You can randomly choose any filler and it might change the shape of your lips. The change in lips will also impact your facial features and might alter your overall look.

Therefore, considering the existing shape and size of the lips and the expected results is crucial to choosing the right option. Thick lip fillers will make your lips more voluminous but natural fillers will enhance the shape and make them look plumpier.  If you are torn between choices, you can get personalized consultation and follow recommendations to achieve aesthetic outcomes.

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4. Facial Harmony

Facial harmony is another crucial factor you can consider to picking the best option from thick and natural lips. Facial harmony can significantly impact the result of the filler and make it look perfect or totally off. If you have a wider face with bigger and wider overall features but thin lips, it will negatively impact your facial harmony. You can opt for thicker fillers but will have to watch out for overall proportion.

On the other hand, natural fillers look more harmonious with a slimmer face and rightly proportioned eyes and nose. You might be unable to decide the right proportion for your facial harmony, so do not hesitate to consult the professionals.

5. Recovery Time

Recovery time is the last factor you can consider to comparing thick and natural lip fillers. If you want thicker lips, the professionals might use filler materials of thicker consistencies, to give the desired effect in a single attempt. On the contrary, the filler material used for natural lips might be lightweight.

Although both types of fillers are painless, the recovery period can depend on the consistency of the filler. Light-weight fillers usually ensure quick recovery but fillers with thick consistency might take a little time to settle and recover fully. You can visit professional clinics offering the lip fillers and choose the one with ideal results and quick recovery.

Thick or Natural Lip Fillers – What Would You Pick?

Getting subtle enhancements to make your lip shape more prominent is the best option, in case you do not have underlying issues. Still, you must decide only after detailed consultation with professional experts for perfect aesthetic results.

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